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Buzzi Fabio in Sabaudia in 1978 with the boat in the first version when it set the World Speed Record for the Diesel class with 165.588 km/h
The photo shows, in addition to Buzzi, from the left, Ivo Maini, chief engineer of VM, the very faithful Ambrogio Bonfanti, chief mechanic of Buzzi and Romeo Ferraris.
Agazzi Claudio Archive
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Abbate Tullio n.5 - Photographed at the Centomiglia del Lario in 1974
Archive Collini
january 31st
january 29th
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january 28th
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The boat today at the Museo della Barca Lariana in Pianello Del Lario (CO)
Agazzi Claudio Archive
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Brunelli Roberto n° 25 - 1° Racing Boat Retro' - Milano-Idroscalo, 09.05.1999 Agazzi Claudio Archive