Luciana II° - Celli (1958)

Builder: Celli

Year of build: 1958

1st Pilot: Spagnoli Annibale

Period: 1959>1961

Race number: #30

Name: Luciana II°

Engine: Maserati 450S 6400 cc.

Class: KD 800 KG.

World Champion Class KD 800 KG - 1959
European Champion Class KD 800KG - Concorso Citta 'di Milano - 26.05.1960
1° Place Coppa dell' Oltranza - Riunione del Garda - Garda, 18-19.-06.1960

A memorable Race at the 15° Concorso Internazionale di Venezia - Lido di Lido di Venezia - 10.06.1961, where Celli Dino, since Spagnoli disputed the operation of the boat, he decided to run in his place arriving first


2nd Pilot: Marchisio Ermanno

Period: 1962

Race number: #11

Engine: Maserati 450S 5700 cc.

Class: KD 900 KG.

Photographed in Campione d'Italia in 1961

Last updated on 01/29/2019   

3rd Pilot: Battaglini Agostino

Period: 1969-1971

Race number: #60

Name: Luciana II°

Engine: Ferrari, BPM 8200 cc.

Class: KD 900 KG.

Photographed at the hauling - Zurigo 1969- last Race
Archive Battaglini


4th Pilot: Fam. Ruzza - Petrobelli

Period: 1971> oggi

Name: Luciana II°

Class: KD 900 KG.

With No. 4 inspection wells
The fairing is Biso II° n° 38
Archive Petrobelli

Last updated on 12/08/2018   


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