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San Marco #4 (1959)

Lemonnier William n.4 - World Champion Class 1300 2° Place in the World Championship Class R2 - Lione, 24.06.1973 World Champion in Lione Class R3 Champion of France in 1976 to speed Maçon Champion of Endurance in 1978 at the "Due Ore di Valence"

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Lucini #13 (1990)

Balocchi Romanello n.13 - 2nd Overall and 1st in category in the R1500 class at the 51st Raid Pavia-Venezia - 06.09.1991 Coppa Montelera Revere-Pontelagoscuro at an average of km/h. 147,761 Photographed in Race at the Italian Championship R2000N Class Archive Balocchi Romanello

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Lucini #12 (1990)

Crosta Cesarino n.12 - Built for R2 class R1500, length 4.40 meters. Later, with the new FIM regulation, it swicthed to R2000N Photographed in Race to 22° Trofeo Due Ponti - Boretto, 19.08.1990 Archive Crosta

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Lucini & Frigerio #13 (1978)

Ferrari Ferruccio n.13 - At the start of the Raid Pavia-Venezia, 1989 Livery of the company "Bettina Sponges" Viadana (Mn) of Brozzi Ugo, so 'like' the previous owner had painted Bonazzi Franco

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Lucini & Frigerio #235 (1975)

Sturloni Luciano n.235 - Photographed in Race at 48° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 12.06.1988 Agazzi Claudio Archive

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Molinari Angelo #236 (1976)

Canosi Giuseppe n.236 - Photographed at haulage Pavia - 42° Raid Pavia-Venezia, 05.06.1982 With new fairings of the Lucini & Frigerio shipyard

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Molinari Angelo #12 (1976)

Crosta Cesarino n.12 - The photo was taken all'Idroscalo of Milan in 1987 during a performance of the new class R1500N next since that would run the Regional Championship and the 1989 Italian Championship Archive Agazzi Claudio

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Molinari Livio - Molivio #31 (1968)

Casanova Leopoldo n.31 - Archive Agazzi Caludio

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Lucini & Frigerio #10 (1973)

Cantando Franco n.10 - Photographed at World Championship R3 Class - Milano-Idroscalo - 22-23 september 1979. Finished 3rd Agazzi Claudio Archive

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Lucini & Frigerio #228 (1976)

Cobianchi Angelo n.228 - Photographed at arrival at the 43rd Raid Pavia-Venezia, 05.06.1983 Archive Cicogna Agazia Vincenzo Vittorio

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