Engine BPM Vulcano 8000 cc.
Class R°°

Petrobelli Antonio n.238
With fairings modified by Shipyard Celli Dino on the model of the Boat of Class R4 owned of the same Petrobelli Antonio
The latest evolution of the engine B.P.M. Vulcano with powers similar to the version with the double overhead camshaft axis

1° Place at the 48° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 12.06.1988 at an average of km/h. 185.072
1° Place at the 50° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 10.06.1990 at an average of km/h. 198.968

Photographed at the 49° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 28.05.1989
Archive Agazzi Claudio

Last updated on 03/10/2013   

El Biso VI° - Celli Dino #238 (1967)