Sandro III° - Celli Dino (1959)

Builder: Celli Dino

Year of build: 1959

1st Pilot: Celli Dino

Period: 1960>1961

Race number: #26

Name: Sandro III°

Engine: Chevrolet Flagship Small Block

Class: KD 800 KG.

1° place in 21° Raid Pavia-Venezia - 29.05.1961

Last updated on 10/24/2024   


2nd Pilot: Battaglini Agostino

Period: 1962>1970

Race number: #25

Name: Sandro III°

Engine: Chevrolet Flagship Small Block, Ferrari Tipo 375 4500cc.

Class: KD 900 KG.

Purchased in 1961 by Battaglini Agostino taking part in some races with the same Chevrolet engine, but in 1964 he installed a new engine, the Ferrari 12-cylinder 4500 cc. Twin-roots previously used by Fernando Dell'Orto.

Last updated on 05/12/2014   

3rd Pilot: Fam. Ruzza - Petrobelli

Period: 1971>oggi

Name: Sandro III°

Class: KD 900 KG.

With No. 4 inspection wells
The fairing is Biso II° n° 38
Archive Petrobelli

Last updated on 10/24/2024   


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